Card Meaning: Independence is key now as you step into your journey today. Others may not have the vision or resources that you need. Recognize that all the wisdom you’ve acquired along the way, makes you particularly competent, capable of moving forward with assurance. Self-reliance is important.
Another aspect to consider is creating and maintaining clear boundaries between you and another. Be discerning about your partnerships at this time, when you know who you are, and have a healthy sense of where you and others begin, you are able to enter into the best kind of relationships, and will attract people who mirror back your wholeness. Interdependent relationships are always mutually, supportive, stimulating, and transformative. You can achieve anything at this time.
If you think that the sun won’t rise without you, then it’s time to change. Perhaps you believe no one will be there to help you, or you expect that you have to do all the work, emotional or otherwise. This is a fear-based idea, and only serves to Alienate you from others by taking away their right to participate.
Receiving the one ring circus card may indicate the misuse of power. Give it up, let go of the need to control how the wind blows, and let others play their part. You don’t need to be invincible, have all the answers, or be the savior. Things will get done if you step out of your own way.
Yet another meaning for this card suggests that someone else may be trying to control you. This needs to be addressed. Don’t be afraid to set a boundary. This is a wonderful step to interdependence. Consider the example of two trees planted side-by-side, sharing the sunlight equally, neither overshadowing the other.
From Collette Baron-Reid Map Oracle Cards

Card meaning: live larger than life. Make the most of every experience. You can choose the meaning that you give events. Find interpretations that empower you, rather than diminish you. Be the storyteller and the hero of your own life. Give your personal story empowering meanings.
Your native spirit wants you to know: around the evening campfire, clan members always looked forward to the storyteller recounting events of the daily happenings of the tribe. Even the most mundane event took on the vibrancy in the expert hands of an experienced storyteller. The storyteller card chose you to remind you to be the champion of your own personal myths; be the central character. Don’t live life according to the needs and expectations of others. Don’t be a bit player in your own story.
The journey: take an event in your life that you gave a disempowering meaning and find a way to rescript it so that the interpretation of the same memory is one in which you are the hero.

When the diamond dreamer arrives, he represents the successful manifestation of the unseen into the material. Be sure you truly want what you think you desire, for this Ally will commit to getting it for you. All manner of conditions will flow around you; messages from spirit will serve to guide you toward achieving your heart's desire. If you want a house, you’ll be led to it if your priority is a new job, with the right continual steps, you will achieve this. If you desire a more harmonious relationship, the measures needed to create this will be obvious.
A project finally pays off. Material gain and positive financial shifts may also be on the way. You will, indeed, see the tangible results of your ambition. The diamond dreamer also serves to guide you to the appropriate choices so that the unseen is awakened to move mountains on your behalf.
Positive communication is now possible in all your relationships
-Collette Baron Reid Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Deck

Card Meaning: Think of yourself as a vessel that has been filled more and more over the past few weeks. Some of what has come your way may have been wonderful, but there is also a lot of negativity and you need to let go of this. Whatever situation you were asking about now, be honest about whether there are toxic emotions involved which you need to release into the ethers. This card also comes with a promise that all is not lost! However, there are changes or adjustments required before you will get to where you want to be. A change of course is forecast now that recent events have been understood and acted upon. There may also be a crisis now which will remind you what you want and what it’s time to let go of, so pay attention.
Attune to the moon
Your life may be out of balance and this may be causing your issues. It may be time to hatch a whole new plan.
Something new and exciting is around the corner.
Trust may be required to move the situation forward.
The teaching
At the time of the third-quarter moon, we know where we have been – but where are we going? The moon is now a half moon and slipping away from us as she catches less and less light, moving towards her full disappearance at New moon. It’s a time of falling away and a time to reevaluate. No matter when you draw this card, the teaching is to release and to trust.
Oracle Deck - Moonology by Yasmin Boland
Don’t give up! The situation you’re asking about is still taking shape -you’re nowhere near the end of the story. Whatever is happening now is just a step along the way. As they say in the self-help classics, “everything will be OK in the end: if it’s not OK, it’s not the end.” However, the waxing crescent moon card is a reminder that you must still keep working towards whatever it is that you want. If you can’t take practical steps, spend time meditating on the question you’re asking about and allow your higher self to download information to you about your best next step. Overall this card suggests there is every reason to be hopeful for a very positive outcome to the situation you’re asking about, so keep the faith!
Attune to the moon
I am focused on what I want.
Additional meaning for this card
Just because you can’t see your dreams, it doesn’t mean they’re not manifesting.
Don’t look back – stay focused on moving forward.
Be patient as events unfold.
Dig a little deeper to find more courage
The teaching
The waxing crescent moon is the second moon phase in the eighth mean moon phases, but even if it’s not the time of the waxing crescent moon when you pull this card it still suggests you need to really pursue your dreams. It’s the time to put your foot down hard as you chase your goals.
Oracle Deck - Moonology by Yasmin Boland