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Meaningful Thought Provoking Mini-Adventures 


Explore Outside and IN

5 Part Series 

Starting March/April 2022

Explore Outside and IN

Meaningful Thought Provoking Mini-Adventures to explore, recharge and reconnect.

  • It is easy to get lost in the day to day, and ask “how did I get here?” And “where do I want to go?”

  • Using nature as the backdrop for inspiration and reflection, we awaken the explorer and adventure within and recalibrate our own inner compass.  

  • Together, as we adventure outside, we explore ways to have a more centered, joyful journey. Each week using the B.A.A.L.L. framework, Breathe, Ask, Allow Listen and Love, we will delve into one of these powerful elements as it relates to our daily life, helping find clarity and insight to guide us on our path. Through a variety of movements, hiking, mindful walking, meditation, Qigong, along with thoughtful engagement we explore outside and inside.


SESSION I  -  BREATHE: It all Starts Here

SESSION II  -  ASK: Going Inside While Outside  

SESSION III  -  ALLOW: What do you Allow? 

SESSION IV  -  LISTEN: Did you Hear That?

SESSION V  -  LOVE: It Really Does Make a Difference  

WHO should attend:

An Insightful Woman

  • wishing to take meaningful time out for herself to grow and evolve

  • seeking to strengthen and reconnect to her divine inner wisdom

  • who understands the power of gathering together in community with like minded women

  • Who wishes to have fun adventures

  • Is asking “what now?”

  • Who lives or is wishing to live a more curious life


Attend All 5 Weeks or Join in on any one!

$100 in advance for all 5! 

Or $25 per session "drop in"

© 2020 by BAALLprocess

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